1975 年貨 Harvest 76*56cm




This painting won 1st Prize in the 1975 National Taiwan Normal University Dept. of Fine Arts Exhibition, and it was the first appearance in Taiwan of an exquisitely detailed and realistic watercolor. When shown in the exhibition it attracted a great deal of attention and praise, and everyone was intrigued that watercolor could be used this way, so it created a sensation for a while and was widely studied by younger students. Yang En-sheng, Hung Tung-piao, Huang Ming-chu, Lü Chen-kuang, and so on were all influenced by it, and it led to what has been called the “Golden Age of Watercolor.” It also contributed to the popularity of the realistic “fragrant earth” (xiangtu) movement in painting, which emphasized Taiwanese rural subject-matter. 

Around this time Taiwan was being influenced by the New Realism movement of New York. Chen disliked the impersonality and emotional aridity of its rigid airgun techniques, so he directed his attention to the rural subject-matter that he had been fond of since childhood, like the goods of the harvest needed to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Thus, without intending to, he chanced upon something that caused a sensation and had lasting influence. Chen is now seen as one of the representative artists of the “fragrant earth” movement of the 1970s.




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