1995 絕世 A Separate World 116.5*91cm



The Pamir Mountains are steep, with cliffs thousands of feet high, and they tower majestically. You always go more than ten kilometers before coming across a single family of herders, and the isolated yurts scattered among the mountains and valleys seem like the abodes of immortals who have departed from this world.

The composition opens on the diagonal, and the white yurt and sheep in the lower right corner creates a tranquil world that people can imagine being in.

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月落日出赫赫光輝 耀照天地氤氳靈氣,胸懷高山大川之魄 巍巍巨嶽自顯崢嶸。

冷冽寒風呼嘯 明澈天空晴亮 雪嶺雲海滔湧陽光輝映,我欲縱馬馳騁 我將展翅翱翔 我追逐疾風並擁抱藍天。隱密森林呢喃 巖峻巉岩聳矗 廣袤湖潭深邃雲霧輕飄,我曾聆聽傳說 我正緊握美夢 我吟嚎長歌與蒼鷹齊飛。

一日之求 毀譽不計 心安理得 安然入眠,一生所願 遨遊天地 了無虧欠 無忝所生。

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